View resume pdf here

Work Experience#

Business Applications CE Delivery Intern - RSM (Jun-Aug 2024)#

  • Conducted industry research across 3 middle-market clients to configure software solutions using Microsoft Dynamics 365 and JavaScript
  • Organized a team of 5 interns to research the Industrials industry and prescribe Cybersecurity solutions to RSM partners
  • Contributed to 5+ team calls per week to discuss and refine data configurations

Business Analyst Intern - D.Next Lab, American Supply Association (May-Dec 2023)#

  • Conducted industry research across 3 middle-market clients to configure software solutions using Microsoft Dynamics 365 and JavaScript
  • Organized a team of 5 interns to research the Industrials industry and prescribe Cybersecurity solutions to RSM partners
  • Contributed to 5+ team calls per week to discuss and refine data configurations

Leadership Experience#

Founding Treasurer - Skeuomorphics Book Lab (April 2024-Present)#

  • Implementing 2 fundraising initiatives between Book Lab and iSchool Skeuomorphic Printing Press
  • Managing financial budgets and resource procurement
  • Educating new members in the use of antique presses through instructional workshops and lectures

Campus Ambassador - Partiful (Aug 2024-Present)#

  • Spearheading growth of Partiful community at UIUC through monthly events with 20+ attendees
  • Increasing user growth through weekly Instagram story posts resulting in 30+ new users

Writer - The Fashion Network @ UIUC#

  • Contributing articles for semesterly print publication with a 100+ readership
  • Conducting research on tech and activism and increasing readership among CS & IS students through adversarial fashion article

Social Chair - ACM@UIUC (Aug 2023-May 2024)#

  • Collaborated in cross-functional teams with Web-Infrastructure and Corporate committees to implement digital ticketing system
  • Spearheaded tasks and managed projects across 10+ committee members
  • Coordinated communication and collaboration between 5+ student orgs